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Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) RD&I Facility (Capital) Claim Forms

The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) is a €500 million fund established under Project Ireland 2040 and is run by the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation with administrative support from Enterprise Ireland. It is one of four funds in the National Development Plan 2018-2027. DTIF projects can be funded for up to 3 years. The type of projects that receive funding are collaborative enterprise-driven partnerships that will develop, deploy and commercialise disruptive technologies to transform business. They are focused on industrial research and SME participation is an essential requirement in every consortium.

Please complete the following steps in order to claim your grant.

Step 1 - Review Letter of Offer (i.e. Grant Agreement)

Review your Letter of Offer. This will confirm the Title of the Grant that you were approved, the Project Number of the Grant, the expenditure types and amounts that were approved and the Final Claim Date (i.e. the last date by which all expenditure must be incurred, and a valid claim submitted to Enterprise Ireland).

Step 2 – Download, Review and Complete the Grant Claim Checklist

The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund RD&I Facility (Capital) Claim Checklist provides a detailed description of all relevant forms and supporting documentation required to submit a valid claim. Please download and review the checklist before preparing your claim to ensure that you have all the relevant documentation to hand when completing the claim.


DTIF Facility (Capital) Checklist (.doc)


Step 4 - Attach Independent Accountants Report if required

Independent Accountant’s Report

All claims in respect of grants approved in excess of €400,000 must be certified by an Independent Accountant.

Enterprise Ireland still reserves the right to request a claim to be certified by an Independent Accountant where deemed necessary and may withhold payment of the claim until such request has been complied with.

If your claim requires certification, it must be certified (signed and dated) by an Independent Accountant on their headed paper.

Please download and send the Independent Accountants Report (IAR) Completion Instructions to your Independent Accountant for completion. Note that their report should certify the Details (Date of, project number(s) and expenditure amount) as outlined on the Directors Statement relating to claim.


IAR Template [doc]

Step 5 - Submit Claim

Submit your claim to Enterprise Ireland to 


  • Remember to include your company name and project number in the subject line. 
  • Use your client number (CES ID) when encrypting files. Your CES ID number can be found in “Schedule A” of your company’s Letter of Offer. 

* Please note that claims are currently not accepted by post. 

Step 6 - What Happens Next

  • Your claim will be assigned to a Grant Payment Officer who will review the details and seek clarification from you if necessary
  • If all is in order the claim will be passed to the inspection team who will be in contact with you to organise a visit to your company to validate your claim.  
  • The inspector will discuss the outcome of the validation with you and will instruct the payment officer to pay, defer or disallow the claim depending on their findings
  • The payment officer completes the authorisation of your claim and submits a payment request to our Finance Department
  • Details of the approved payment will issue from Grant Payments 


Further information / Contact 

If you need assistance, contact the Grant Payment Team  at, outlining in the subject line, the grantee company name (not trading name) and project number 

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