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DAVRA: A Vision for a Green Future

The team at Davra will tell you that a green future is a digitised future. This Dublin-based Internet of Things (IoT) company uses technology to drive sustainability across sectors. When companies digitise, they gain unparalleled access to data. This information, among other things, enables environmental improvements. From monitoring air pollution to preventing environmental disaster, data is the answer. The power to ‘go green’ relies on our ability to understand how things work and how we can make them cleaner, faster, and more energy efficient.

How Davra are Creating a Greener Future

Davra’s digital platform powers data collection, storage, management, and reporting. They deploy large numbers of information collection technologies and custom IT connectors to monitor activity. These connectors allow companies to ‘watch’ their own operations. Davra’s technology displays real-time reports on things like machinery performance, employee habits, traffic patterns, and electricity usage—whatever is most important to optimising operations. Optimisation can apply to cost savings and profit margins, but it’s also about energy efficiency, sustainability, and resource preservation. 

Davra’s IoT technology is used by many companies whose digitisation is supporting improved environmental practices. In the mining industry, the platform uses satellites to monitor underground activities, alerting partners to any irregularities, helping to avert disaster. This application of IoT saves human lives, protects surrounding farmland, and prevents pollution of fragile landscapes. Davra’s technology has also been used with great success by utility companies to improve efficiency. Water distribution networks in Ireland were experiencing problematic leaks. Davra’s technology is now monitoring pipes across the Irish Water network, even in the most rural areas. Their system is helping to revolutionise the network’s leak management and reach the company’s goal of solving 1,500 leaks per month to save 166 million litres of water every day!

Bringing a Green Future into the Present

IoT is a busy space, but Davra are more than a data collection company. Instead of simply highlighting problems when they pop up, they make it a priority to help their partners solve these problems. If their integrated technology detects an error, Davra’s team of tech analysts is alerted, immediately kicking off a solution brainstorm. The team will identify the issue, agree on next steps, and remotely execute the fix long before a traditional corporate structure would have realised there was a problem. This type of ready response is vital when it comes to environmentally sensitive problems, like potential spills, dangerous toxins, or wasted resources. 

Davra were named as a leading true-born IoT platform by Gartner in 2019, topping the list of private companies. They were the highest-rated IoT company according to peer and client insights, even over large corporates like Microsoft and Hitachi. Davra aren’t just using tech to gather data faster and cheaper—they care about what happens to the data and how it can be used to make the world a better, more sustainable place. 


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