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Influencer Marketing in Agriculture


In this Enterprise Ireland UK Webinar, we look at the topic of Influencer Marketing in Agriculture, outlining how you can incorporate influencers into your marketing activities to help build your brand and drive sales in the market.

While the use of customer testimonies has been commonplace in agriculture for decades, the growth of figures across social media such as Tom Pemberton and Grassmen has meant that agri companies should consider how they can work with these “influencers” to help get their products in front of their significant audiences of potential customers and build your brand in the market.

In this webinar we hear from Amy Eggleston, Pastures Green Communications and @DairyDaughter who in her role with Pastures Green and with her 17k+ followers has seen both sides of the influencer/brand relationship. She will discuss best practice in influencer marketing and provide her tips for finding, engaging and contracting influencers in the market.

We also hear from Mervyn Harvey, Head of Commercial for Herdwatch who will discuss how their team have engaged influencers and brand ambassadors in the market to help grow their farm management platform to over 15,000 farms across Ireland and the UK.

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